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Showing posts from May, 2016

Pakcer: Holiness means...

Holiness means consecration, seeking always to do right and avoid sinning. So steel yourself against slothfulness, carelessness, apathy, drifting, halfheartedness, double-mindedness, and spineless conformity to the world.  Turn your back on the world’s slack standards—all forms, for instance, of irresponsible sexual self-indulgence and promiscuity. With that, turn your eyes away from all forms of pornography and secret sexual stimulation, which are the stepping-stones into that indulgence. And turn your heart away from all forms of dishonesty and evading proper responsibility in all personal relationships and all business transactions, and from all forms of behavior that cheapen life itself. Say good-bye to your complacency about your present condition.  Humbly practice self-examination, with willingness to have the Spirit through the Word and Christians in the fellowship show you where you are off track and falling short. ... Packer, J. I. (2013). Taking God Seriously: Vital